3G And HSDPA, Which One Is Better? Which One Is Faster?
HAVE you ever experienced your broadband connection keeps shifting between 3G and HSDPA network? Does it puzzling you which one is better? which one is faster? In this entry, I'm going to tell you some facts of 3G and HSDPA.
HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) is actually an enhancement to the 3G technologies. Some people have referred HSDPA as 3.5G. Looking at other perspective, HSDPA can provide you faster speed compared to 3G. Theoretically, HSDPA speeds can reach up to 3.6 Mbps downstream and 348 Kbps upstream. Note that, this speed also rely on the location, broadband model, and network traffic. Hence, the speed mentioned just now is the maximum speed it can reach by ignore these barrier factors.
3G technologies is actually improvement or upgrading from old technologies 2G. Comparing by speed from both 2G and 3G, 3G give you the much faster internet connection compared to 2G. Sequence to that, total people using 3G technologies start growing and as user needs and demands, HSDPA appear to enhance internet connection in terms of speed to give you better surfing exploring all over the world.
The conclusion can be made here is, there may be have another differences between 3G and HSDPA which not mentioned in this entry, but the most significant factor to be emphasized here is HSDPA give you the better and faster speed compared to 3G which the most vital thing you needs while surfing!
1) What is the difference between HSDPA and 3G (Yahoo Answers)
2) Frequently Asked Questions (QueryCat)
3) Difference Between 3G and HSDPA
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